What?? You’re Telling Me My Business Does Not Have Real Value?
One of the most difficult discussions I have with business owners is when I tell them that my in-depth assessment indicates their business may not have “real” value. After years building a business that provides a great lifestyle, they just cannot believe that someone else would not readily pay to step into their shoes. In […]
My Business is Killing Me!!!
Owning and running a successful business is very rewarding. Seeing the opportunity, taking on the challenge and realizing success. It can be addicting. But, many times as a company grows it gets to the level where daily and weekly problems and issues create substantial obstacles to moving forward. The noise level increases. Leaders feel like […]
Will Your Business Survive Your Eventual Transition? Is it Transferable?
70% to 80% of small and middle market businesses that go to market don’t sell. Only one third are successfully transitioned to the next generation. Find out the missing elements. If you are a business owner in Indiana, take 12 minutes to complete the State of Ownership Readiness Indiana Survey. The survey is completely confidential and […]