Telephone: (317) 691-6811

Legacy Planning

How will friends, family, employees, and business associates remember your legacy?

Building and growing a successful business takes enormous effort, focus, and sacrifice. This has been your life’s work. Due to the all-consuming effort, many owners have not identified and incorporated the critical success factors that will enable them to seamlessly transition or sell their business to family, management, employees or third parties.

Regardless, it is a fact that all business owners will, at some point, transition out of their enterprises either by choice or necessity. Many family and privately held businesses struggle and fail, and few are able to successfully segue to the next generation. In recent years, 70% to 80% of small to mid-sized businesses placed on the market never sell, resulting in the needless loss of jobs and wealth. At EBS, it is our passion to change the outcome. We help you plan for the best possible result, not as a one-time event, but by embracing business strategies designed for enduring success, tailored to your unique situation.

We have real C-suite experience with succession and transitional events. Our ability to identify missing elements provides the basis to develop proven strategies with a practical approach. Together, we build the necessary strategies to ensure enduring success for your business and family.

Struggled After CEO Exit


Built Enduring Success

Which do you want to be?

Legacy Challenges

  • 75% to 85% of private Baby Boomer owned businesses expect to transition their business within the next 10 years (Next generation, management, employees or third party sale) but have no defined transition plan
  • 80%-90% of personal wealth is tied up in the business
  • 70%-80% of private middle market businesses placed on the market never sell
  • 70%-80% are not transferable to successors
  • Business strategies, tactics & management teams are not geared toward the inevitable transition.

Changing the Outcome

  • Affordable
  • Aligns owners, management & advisors (team approach)
  • Integrate business and personal/family goals & objectives
  • Not just another plan, but provides a common-sense approach to running a business while building a legacy
  • Achieve tangible financial results that exceed costs
  • Strategies & actions that can be readily executed


  • Balance funding lifestyle with growth
  • Ensure continued success of business with or without owner
  • Improve business operations & results
  • Peace of mind – personal & business house in order
  • Transition occurs on owner’s terms (when & how)
  • Unlock a portion or all wealth trapped in the business
  • Value growth well beyond costs